Sunday, June 22, 2008

Goodbye Mrs. Monica

I found out Thursday morning that Landri's teacher , Mrs. Monica's last day was that Friday...the next day. I cried all the way to work, at work, on the way home. I took this picture Friday morning...I'm crying just looking at it. Landri has a huge behavior problem and gives all of the other teachers HELL. Mrs. Monica was the only she really behaved for and listened to and LOVED. I'm devastated. I am worried how Landri will be with another teacher. When I bring her to school in the mornings if Monica is not there for whatever reason, Landri won't even go in the class. What's it going to be like for my baby this week and the following weeks. It breaks my heart. We are both going to miss Mrs. Monica! :(


Brian Lucio said...

We'll be praying for Landri & you!

Cindy said...

Hey, Season! How'd Landri do on Monday?

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. God will bring another person in her life. I have one that always needed that one someone special. He needed lots of one on one.