Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

You may be asking yourself, "what is that?" This would be my Mother's Day gift from Landri. Yes it is a cup full of dirt, potting soil, whatever you want to call it. I say dirt. Across the bottom of the cup is written "Freesias." I will have to Google that. I'm sure it is a probably a flower. I had to laugh though. She was so proud as she handed me my cup of dirt as I was getting ready for church. Yesterday she did not have a good day at all. I made her promise that she would be good on Mother's Day. I told her it was a law that she had to be good and listen to me all day. I also told her that she would have to wear a pretty dress to church. She was fine with all of this before bed Saturday night, but Sunday morning was a different story. She is like a fish out of water with a dress on.
My Mother's Day started pretty strange. We got woke up way before 7am, by my phone ringing and knocking at the door. Our dogs went crazy and when Rich got to the door my friend and neighbor from a couple of houses down was crying and asking to see me. Her Mother had passed away. I was still half asleep and a little shocked. I thought I was dreaming. I just held her and let her cry. She was not as close with her Mother as she would like to have been. She has shared with me plenty of times that she never really felt loved or wanted by her mom or her dad. Her birthday was a few weeks back and her mom forgot to call her. I remember how much that hurt her. Now her mom is gone. No more chances to work on their relationship. I told my kids all day how much I love them. I kept thinking that if something happened to me I want them to know how much they mean to me. Then, a thought...we need to live everyday like it's our last one. The people in our lives need to know how much they mean to us everyday.
Church was awesome. We had to be there a little bit early because Taryn was passing out Mother's Day girfts as people entered the building. She looked so beautiful. We all got these really great smelling candles. We always honor the widows on Mother's Day too. They stood up while we clapped for them and they got an extra special gift. We are also careful to be sensitive to those who are experiencing infertility or loss of child. We passed out a book called, "Hannah's Hope" that the ladies could come pick up in the foyer after service. We did this last year also, and I picked up the book for a friend that had just had her 5th miscarriage.
We sang two of my favorite songs. "Lead me to the Cross" and "Amazing Grace." DeLynn delivered the message this weekend and did a wonderful job. Watch out Dino...she can preach! I love our church!

1 comment:

Brian Lucio said...

I love it!!!! Freesia is a flower so you water it and we'll pray over it LOL!